The New Me – Short Biographies

Now that I have graduated from Michigan Tech, it is time to updated my short biographies. There are two standard sizes: 1 paragraph and 120 characters.

So, here are mine:


Elizabeth Cloos is a 1st year Electrical Engineering – Optics graduate student at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering  in 2012 from Michigan Technological University in Houghton, MI.  She is a very active student with many interests. Cloos is a student member of IEEE, SPIE, OSA, SWE, and HKN. In her free time, she plays Clarinet and Accordion, enjoys reading, and playing games with friends. Cloos has a passion for engineering, optics, and people. Her passion for optics is evident in her research interests of nonlinear optics, laser cooling, and magento-optic effects. In general, she wishes to change the world through thoughtful application of photonic technology and human connection. Cloos’ long-term goals include obtaining a PhD in the optics field, obtaining her P.E. license, and traveling the world.


120 Character “Twitter Length”:

1st yr Optics grad student at Michigan. Michigan Tech ’12 alumna. Passionate about Optics, music, people, and language.

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